Chaos Before Gea is a band that we are very fond of in this house, as their work has us dazzled.

We have chatted with them to tell us about the recording process of their latest EP «Tiamat Part 1» and their future plans.

What inspired the title «Tiamat Part 1» and what is the story behind this EP?

For now we cannot make «spoilers» since the figure of Tiamat still does not appear as such in this first part of the story, but for now we can say that it is the story of a Goddess who arrives on Earth with her brothers and she is forced against her will to enslave the human race, which is in its infancy. From there we want to convey a series of parallels with today’s society, especially the constant effort of the patriarchy to enslave the human race and subdue the Divine Feminine.

How would you describe the evolution of your sound from your last album to «Tiamat Part 1»?

Well, the most remarkable thing would be the incorporation of Raúl as a guitarist after the release of «Chronos», from which he has contributed in the compositional aspect, as well as greater freedom on the part of Ismael and David to compose, of what above all You will find out in Part 2. Apart from the musical aspect, our trusted producer, José María Tornay, has also improved both in equipment and mastery (if possible) of his studio.

What can fans expect from this new EP in terms of lyrical and musical themes?

For those who know the band, you can expect our peculiar mix of musical styles, from melodic parts to brutal passages. We try to treat each theme like an animal that has its own dynamic. Thanks to the incorporation of Raúl, as we mentioned before, you can also expect more guitar solos. In the lyrical aspect we introduce a bit of fresh air by totally changing the setting and the world in which the story that inspires the EP is based on.

Is there a particular song on the EP that is special to you? Why?

It would really be very difficult for us to choose just one theme, since each theme is as if it were its own entity. We suppose that it depends on each moment that you are living, you can lean more towards one topic or another.

What was the writing and recording process for «Tiamat Part 1»? Were there any notable challenges during that process?

The most complicated thing has undoubtedly been coordinating both composition and recording among all the members of the group, since more than 50% of the group was outside of Spain (and today Raúl continues to reside in Canada). But hey, today in the digital age and thanks to the abuse of platforms like Drive or Wetransfer we have been able to overcome the challenge.

What musical influences can be found on this EP? Was there a particular artist or band that inspired you during the creation process?

Each member of the group is influenced by him, which is why the content of our songs is so varied, but on occasion we have been compared to Machine Head, Mastodon, Gojira… We always leave it to the listener’s discretion.

Do you have plans to release a «Tiamat Part 2» in the near future? Could you tell us something about that?

Well, basically we have already revealed that there will indeed be a second part (it seems to us that the title makes it quite clear anyway xD), for now we can only say that after the summer we will give new news about it.

Do you plan to present this work in concerts?

Unfortunately, today for Chaos Before Gea to play live depends solely and exclusively on a good bidder, since the money that would have to be invested solely in infrastructure to perform said concert would be quite high (plane tickets, replacement musicians, etc.). ..). That said, if that high bidder offers, we’ll be happy to play (laughs).

Finally, what is the main message that you hope to convey to the listeners through «Tiamat Part 1»?

It is a message of insubordination and to stop seeing injustices as the norm. We have wanted to focus on the cancer of the patriarchal system, but each individual can take the message of the songs and apply it to their personal struggles.

Anything else you want to add?

If you liked Tiamat, we invite everyone who reads this to go through their platform of choice and take a look at the group’s discography, and to follow us on social networks, we promise we won’t bother you much.

Chaos Before Gea discography

  • «Erebo» (2013)
  • «Karon» (2015)
  • «Chronos» (2018)
  • «Coach House Sessions» (2020)
  • «Tiamat Part 1» (2023)


Chaos Before Gea are:

David Arroyo Sánchez (battery)
Ismael Pérez Gónzalez (voice)
Raúl (guitar)


Atanatos Metal Extremo

Fundador, redactor, fotografo y webmaster de Atanatos